Artist Statement

My lithographic prints are the product of my contemplation of ceramic and lithographic histories, other artist’s work, and visual interpretations of nature. The qualities of the lithographic process augment my print work, enhancing the sensual interplay of the forms created. Many of my prints are derived from Greek and Chinese vessel forms. Historically, ceramic vessel forms have enjoyed a close relationship to the contours of the human figure. Awareness of that history helps me to realize emotions inherent in human relationships through the depiction of vessel forms. My most recent work depicts seashells but continues to resonate with the sensuality found in my ceramic vessel prints. The archetypal soul mate is the subject of my narrative. Vessel and shell forms are the vehicle that expresses this longing; to belong and to be loved. It is about the sensual serenade, the intimate touch and the stable foundation.

Milos has eleven years of post secondary education in the area of Fine Arts culminating in a Master of Fine Arts at the University of Calgary and Master Printer training at Tamarind Institute in New Mexico. Milos has taught printmaking in Secondary and Post Secondary Schools, instructed at various printmaking workshops, both in Canada and in the U.S.A . She has also worked as a Master Printer in Lithography. She has exhibited her work in exhibitions in Japan, U.S.A. and throughout Canada.